Monday 17 December 2012

Train tragedy


Went to Campbeltown to the Buddhist community and monastery, man that was one big Buddha. Then out for Chai with David and Bhola. He's been a resident here since 1964, at ten his mother laid him across the train tracks as the train was coming, he has very little movement in any of his body, basically a quadriplegic. Fortunately the driver saw Bhola and stopped the train. Such a bright intelligent man left like that is the tragedy that may have faced many had it not been for Raphael and its amazing work!!
                                          * David and Bhola @ Chai shop
                                          * The Chai shop
                                          * Typical scene

                                         * Prayer wheels

                                                    * I have size envy :/ My Buddha isn't that big :|

1 comment:

  1. The prayer wheels remind me of Eddie Murphy in Golden Child... "I..I.. I want the knife..." lol. A bit jealous. Be safe. xoxo
