Monday, 10 December 2012

Pre-flight thoughts

Morning all, 

Very excited, flying out today and should reach Dehradun, India by 12pm (India time) 12/12/12. Its all come together so fast from a quick coffee with Leo from Ryder in the CBD; to police checks applications then 2 weeks in Thailand and now I'm packed and ready to head off. 

I'm trying not to set any expectations and go with the flow. My biggest hurdle will be my utter dislike like for excessive and noisy crowds but I guess that's why I chose somewhere to push my boundaries and comfort zone. I am expecting a bit of a heart wrenching time looking at the beggars and poverty but hope to take solace in the fact that I am there to to help in my small way.

 We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop
           Mother Teresa

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